
The contact form is ONLY to be used for notices regarding copyright infringements, problems with the own user account (log-in, error message etc.).
E-mails concerning other matters, such as activations, questions about the forum or its functions etc. are to be posted in the corresponding help forum and will not be answered by me via e-mail.

- On e-mails I receive via the contact form I do not answer in principle!
- I also do not open links, attachments that are sent to me!
- Therefore you will get answers only in the forum by private message, or in exceptional cases (copyright infringements) by webmail from a foreign webmail provider!

Note for reporting copyright violations and or other possibly punishable content:
- The author must provide his correct email (under his domain) or username of Youtube, Instagram, DeviantArt, etc..
- As a rule, the content must be reported directly via the reporting function, otherwise it is necessary to specify exactly what content (link in the forum) is being complained about, and a link to the same content on the server of the author.
- Responses are ALWAYS made to the official e-mail address of the author and or, if necessary, via the contact option of the platform!

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Your Inquiry

The username you have in the forum
Short and precise description of your inquiry.

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